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Microsoft Office Sway

August 5, 2015 - Announcing Sway General Availability, Windows 10 app and more!

Sway has moved from Preview to General Availability. Sway is also moving beyond First Release and rolling out to all eligible Office 365 for business and education customers worldwide.* This makes it possible for many additional businesses, schools and other organizations to start using Sway to create and share interactive reports, presentations, assignments, lessons, projects and more. And of course, any consumer can use Sway with a free Microsoft account. Today, Microsoft also introduced Sway for Windows 10, along with new layout and publishing capabilities.

*Sway is available to most customers with an Office 365 plan that includes Office Online, Office 365 Business, or Office 365 ProPlus.

To help you get started, watch this video to learn more, review the Sway KnowledgeBase to see how to use Sway, and take a look at the Sway Suggestion Box at UserVoice.

Getting Started with Microsoft Sway

I created this Sway within 10 minutes of receiving my invite:

I created this Sway by importing a customer's PowerPoint presentation:



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